Getting it right with TC Eckstein… When she’s not winning music awards, she’s winning the race against heart disease. Being diagnosed with a terminal illness has given TC Eckstein a whole new lease on life. These days she’s healthier than ever and her music sounds stronger. She is known to the music world as Ladii TC Eckstein and she is also an active member of Go Red for Women, a subsidiary organization of the American Heart Association. Since she was diagnosed with heart disease in 2005, TC has been involved with the organization and recently won Nationals. As the national leader of Go Red for Women, TC will share her story and spread awareness through social media and other channels. “It feels amazing”, says TC about the role, adding that she is delighted to give advice and hope to people around the country. When she was diagnosed, she thought her life would come to a crashing halt. She had lost her father and brother to heart disease at age 55, so now at 53, TC feel